Orange County Sheriff's Office
106 E. Margaret Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278 Phone: (919) 245-2900
Emergency Dial 911
General Contact: websheriff@orangecountync.gov
Josh's Hope/Life Track
As a reminder to caregivers, the information sheet regarding your loved ones presenting with a cognitive disorder or intellectual need are now available on our website and in our office. We look forward to gathering pertinent information so we can best respond to calls for service. If you would like to speak with someone for additional information on this initiative, please contact 919-245-2900.
Josh’s Hope/Life Track is a database used by the OCSO to share critical information with our Deputies when responding to calls involving individuals with cognitive, mental health, or other intellectual disabilities. This will facilitate the most safe, efficient, and less stressful response for all parties. Thank you for taking the time to complete the below information for your loved one. After completing the form below please select submit.
If you have questions please contact:
1st Lieutenant Daniel Roberson at: troberson@orangecountync.gov or call: 919.245.2921
Corporal Doug Moats at: dmoats@orangecountync.gov or call: 919.245.2914