Orange County Sheriff's Office
106 E. Margaret Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278 Phone: (919) 245-2900
Emergency Dial 911
General Contact: websheriff@orangecountync.gov
The Civil Process Division provides timely service of all civil documents well within time limits set by the court, and serves well over 8,000 papers per year. There are three full time deputies who fulfill multiple functions of this Division, including process of:
Divorce proceedings
Civil summons relating to lawsuits
Summary ejectments (one party defaults on an agreement concerning rental property leases, failure to pay rent, etc.)
Notice of Rights
Magistrate Summons
Order to file inventory
Notice of Hearings
Lt. Sykes primarily handles money judgments, writs of execution, serves summons, foreclosures, writs of possession, and claim and delivery. Sgt. Brown serves all other civil process papers, including those to UNC Hospital and UNC Campus, all evictions and summons.
Over 40% of all civil papers are served in the Sheriff’s Office. If a resident fails to come in within 7 days of the date of the notification letter, the paper is assigned to a civil deputy to serve at the person’s home or work. This procedure saves valuable tax dollars and allows our deputies to assist the county in other ways.
Schedule of Service Fees and Guidelines
NC issued civil papers: $30, per defendant
Out of state issued civil papers: $100, per defendant
All checks should be made payable to The Sheriff of Orange County
You must include your affidavit of service (if available) as the “return of service” for deputy use
For out of state papers, include a self-addressed envelope for our office to send the “return”
In-state returns are sent through our statewide courier service
Civil papers to be served on indigent defendants require attachment of the court document indicating indigence